Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Old man's wisdom

The job seeking process is a tedious and lengthy one. Then when it comes to business etiquette, I am one who won't put too much of effort in it. My dad gave me a long lecture on it, and like every teenager, or young adult, or any guy in the world, I grumbled at it, but I still chose to follow his advice, and follow the business etiquette, writing thank you letters and all. Then I try to lay back a little of my hotheadedness, and think a little on the reason behind it. Putting myself in the employer's shoes, I know I won't expect people to write thank you messages, but receiving it might leave a good impression behind, so I guess the old man has his wisdom to share. I hate it when someone else is correct, but I am going to be an old man one day, so I would have my share of being correct as well.

*laughing heinously*

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