Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A sense of purpose

"Why the hell am I here in the world!?!?"

That's probably the first question I asked myself when I was brought into this world. I just can't seem to find the answer, and cried, like how every baby did. I still haven't found the answer yet, and is still looking for the perfect one for me, passive aggressively.

A purpose. We live everyday, but for what reason?

Humans are practically decimating the Earth, so are our purpose here to wreak havoc? Well, it depends, and the only good more humans come into the world is for the benefit of other humans. This is one statement that will always ring true. There will not be a "greater good", unless every human being in the world shares a single consciousness.

But isn't there a saying, "Live for yourself"?

Sure, then we have to reduce the scope of purpose, down to the self. Every little thing we do, it brings impact to ourselves, and to those around us. Then, there are those wise enough to show the answers through action, because, it's very obvious that action speaks louder than words. But, having to pull one of that off, will require plenty of wisdom, or on the contrary, the lack of wisdom or none at all, where the other one is wise enough to see the impact it brings, and learn a lesson without having to suffer the consequences.

If everything we do requires a reason, would everyone just stay stoned?

That should explain why addicts are so into drugs. They have lost their purpose. Insensibly losing pieces of their life away to drugs. There are people who do things without much of a reason, or when they see a door, they open it without too much hesitation. Simple logic, you need something, then you get yourself that something. You need water, then go get it. It's the way it has always been. We take, and very seldom we think of the impact it brings in the future. Maybe everyone can cross the bridge when he or she gets there, but if everyone takes the bridge for granted, the bridge is going to fall sooner or later. Then there are people who would repair the bridge, or maybe even make it better, upgrade it. The heroes and heroines of mankind. Then there are those who take the road less taken, using ways other than the bridge to cross the gap. The geniuses of mankind, and technology develops.

I'm still lost...

Then I guess I should stick to the words of wisdom that has always been my way of life. "Let it be, let it be. Ignorance is bliss".

Cheers! ^^

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