Tuesday, May 15, 2007


The dreaded question. A or B? Or C or D? Life is full of choices, and decisions might very well affect the future. There is a certain saying commonly used in Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2, a game from Lucasarts and Obsidian Studios: "The choices we make sends ripples through the Force, regardless of how insignificant they seemed to be". You will never know what will happen if you have made another choice. If only life has the option to load and save, and everyone gets to see how their choices branch out. Ironically, if we give everyone the ability to do so, consequences wouldn't bring much of an impact to the human being. Everyone would just load/save the world into chaos. But then, the choices in life aren't as linear as those in the games. It can range from a simple choice of choosing the pattern for the new curtain, to whose life to save first in an emergency. It's amazing how life turns out to be, everything we do can affect us and everyone around us.

Sometimes, we even make choices when we wouldn't realize it. Life is both beautiful and brutal at the same time, it just depends how you look at it. Me, I have no problem dealing with them at all: I throw them back. XD

Don't hesitate before choices, don't linger after them. Don't be quick to accept, and don't be harsh to judge. Move away or move along, but always get a move on. Moderation is key, so go figure! XD

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