Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Crack Attack

Yes, apparently, I hurt my crack on the train today. As usual, the train I take to work everyday is packed with other passengers, so I have to stand close to the door in the train. When the train stopped at a station, someone from the inside wants to get out of the train, so with me standing between that passenger and the exit, my basic etiquette tells my brain to step away to give way. What it forgets to tell me though, was to look where I set my foot upon. Somehow, I move my foot just enough to step into the space between the train and the boarding platform, and I fell into it, leaving everything but my left leg above the train, and the instance I realized it, my crack saved my life. It was a stinging pain, but luckily, no wound. One of the passengers helped me up and I could feel the pain from the bruise I got in between my butt, more to the right side. Relieved that it could have been worse, I learned a painful lesson: your crack isn't supposed to break your fall.

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